A new year has begun- one we hope is the best one yet for you and your loved ones.

As the new year starts, a lot of people like to think about resolutions for improving their lifestyle and well being. Some strive to cook healthier meals or organize that one abandoned junk drawer. Whatever the case, these new goals are supposed help you start 2019 with a bang! And what a better way to start January than sticking to your workout routine during your visit to New York City.

Though it might be hard to keep up with your workout during the winter, here are a couple of options for you to stay in track in a fun and accessible way, even when traveling in the busy city.

Shape Up NYC

Shape Up NYC is a free exercise program created by the Department of Parks and Recreation of New York City. This program offers fitness classes for free in New York. You can start this new year with Zumba, aerobics or free yoga classes. Make sure to check all the different options on the Shape Up NYC website.

Where: Shape Up NYC

When: Manhattan schedules available for Wednesdays and Fridays

Central Rock Gym

Rock climbing is a great physical activity in New York City. The Central Rock Gym offers both bouldering and top-rope climbing walls. They even have a special schedule for kids. While you can sign up for a day class, if your stay in NYC is longer than a week, you can get a one week pass or monthly pass. Make this 2019 special by starting a new form of exercise!

Where: Central Rock Gym; 21 West End Ave, Manhattan (12 min drive from The Lombardy Hotel).

When: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6am – 11pm; Tuesday, Thursday 10am – 11pm; Saturday, Sunday 8am – 9pm.

Central Park

Perhaps what you need is to warm yourself up with a morning jog. Running is a great, cheap way to exercise. Not only will you be helping your blood circulation, but a great cardio workout gives you an energy boost to start your day. With a 6.1 mile loop, jogging in Central Park gives you the opportunity to see a little bit of every part of New York City.

Where: Central Park; 14 East 60th Street, Manhattan (10 min walk from The Lombardy Hotel).

Hotel Room Exercises

There are lots of exercises that you can easily do from your hotel room as well! Maybe you don’t have time to hit the gym or prefer to work out alone. However you swing, great hotel room exercises include:

  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Plank
  • Burpees

Staying in New York City - About The Lombardy Hotel

Start this New Year with us at The Lombardy Hotel. Our Midtown Manhattan hotel offers a 24-hour gym free for all our guests, perfectly equipped so you can keep you daily workout routine as comfortable as possible. We look forward to hosting you this 2019 in New York City.